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Thursday, September 24, 2015


Food is my focus as I continue to strive towards a "good" a1c. Mainly my focus is on extremely accurate carb counting, limiting total # of carbs (per meal), as well as finding new awesome recipes with a good balance of (good) fat & protein. Also - prebolusing more and bolusing for coffee spikes (but that's another story). Last week I bought my first bag of almond flour and made low-carb pancakes (yum!) Recipe: but I used milk instead of water! I have enjoyed these for brunch and breakfast alike. The other day I had my first a avocado (on it's own, not guac) - surprisingly tasty and satisfying. I am learning to bolus for protein (when needed). I am learning a lot of new stuff :) Pics below..

On another note, I found out this week that I was selected to give a talk at an international conference on neural tube defects at the end of next month (super excited/ slightly terrified - my first talk at a "real" meeting with PhD in hand) As a result I had to reschedule my Endo... Again. But - I have a feeling my next a1c will not be disappointing like the last one (and now I have even longer to improve it). Great BGs with no lows make me feel like a rockstar in the best way possible and it doesn't take endo guilt to make me want to work my butt off for my future <3 love y'all

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